Sign the petition to tell Peter Dutton and the Coalition you want cheaper power

You know it’s getting more expensive to do the weekly shop, top up your fuel tank and keep the lights turned on.

And your power bills are skyrocketing.

But the politicians in Canberra have no plan to fix rising costs of living.

Even worse, the ‘Net Zero’ plans they do have – replacing reliable baseload power with sketchy solar and wind farms – will only make life more costly.

The truth is, ALL sides of politics have been infected with woke climate hysteria.

Instead of representing everyday Aussies like you, our political elites are pandering to big business and inner-city elites.

Even the Coalition have fallen for ‘Net Zero’, thinking it’ll win them votes.

But mainstream Australians don’t want a woke Liberal Party.

So get your name on this petition to tell Opposition Leader Peter Dutton and the Coalition to fight the climate hysteria and back a plan for coal, gas and nuclear baseload power to get cheap power.

Why should you go broke, just because the Coalition wants to go woke?

Sign this petition now to tell Peter Dutton to ditch the ‘Net Zero’ nonsense and fight for cheaper power NOW.

Australia will prosper if we go ‘NOT Zero’!

To the Leader of the Opposition, Peter Dutton,

Every day it gets more expensive to just put food on the table and keep the lights turned on. Inflation is out of control and interest rates are hurting Aussie homeowners.

Why do you want to keep backing the Liberal policy of ‘Net Zero by 2050’, when this will only make life even more costly?

Instead of representing everyday Aussies like me, you are pandering to big business and inner-city elites.

It’s time for you to drop the ‘Net Zero by 2050’ policy, fight the inner-city and corporate elites pushing climate-change hysteria and back a plan for coal, gas and nuclear baseload power.

It’s time for you to fight for cheaper, more reliable power.

Australia will prosper when we go ‘NOT Zero’.

With others, I ask you to take strong and decisive action now to fight against the cost of living and fight for cheap power.

21,416 signatures

Will you sign?